As a non-Indigenous organization working on climate education in what is now known as Canada, we honour and recognize the diverse Indigenous peoples who are the first guardians of the air, land, water, and Spirit that lives within all things. We acknowledge their sense of place and unique relationship to the land, being that they have been its guardians since time immemorial. We respect and value their ways of being, knowing, relating, and carrying this knowledge forward to inform the next seven generations. We recognize our collective responsibility to dismantle the systems of oppression that created the climate crisis and start by listening to the wisdom of the First Nations, Metis, and Inuit. We are committed to amplifying Indigenous voices and supporting Indigenous-led solutions for climate justice.
To live in a world in which the values and practices necessary to keep Earth’s climate hospitable to all current species are fully rooted in collective and individual decisions and actions of all humans.
Though humans have caused the climate crisis, we believe that we have a responsibility, as well as the potential, to make things better together and with equity — for the land, the air and the water, for all living beings, for all future generations — and to dismantle the systems of oppression that are hindering climate justice in our society.
To build and connect networks of empowered individuals in communities across Canada by equipping them with the tools and knowledge to bring about new behaviours and policies that lead to a low-carbon, resilient and just future.
To build, maintain, and connect local, pancanadian and worldwide networks of Climate Reality Leaders (CRL) and other advocates who will accelerate change, its social acceptability and collectively raise ambition in the fight against climate change through impactful programs and partnerships.
We must change. We can change. We will change.
Our Theory of Change
We believe in social catalysts.
We’ve seen what they can do in social movements from women’s rights to marriage equality.Time and again, when a critical mass of committed activists stand up bravely, their example awakens the courage to act in millions, catalyzing broader social change and creating momentum that cannot be ignored.
Empower people and we can build the world we need.
We are at a critical point, when major legislation and executive action in Canada, as well as stronger Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in other countries, is necessary and possible. The work and leadership of activists is what is redefining social norms and opening the door for transformative change towards climate justice. The question is not if, but how quickly we can make a major shift to renewables.
The good news is that poll after poll show the overwhelming majority of Canadians and people worldwide want their governments to take action on the climate crisis and implement a just transition for all.
This is a clear signal that we already have the numbers to overcome this challenge. We don’t have to persuade millions that our climate is changing and that the climate crisis is also a matter of justice — one that can’t be solved without facing all forms of discrimination and inequalities head-on. We have to further empower people to act now on the beliefs they already have and make sure that our legislators demonstrate their commitment by acting urgently.
We know that not all peoples have contributed to the climate crisis to the same extent. Indigenous peoples, for example, have lived in harmony with nature since time immemorial. The opportunity to learn from and work with Indigenous peoples remains a central part of catalyzing change – benefitting from other ways of knowing that recognize that we are a part of creation, rather than its master.
Indigenous and other frontline communities have lived experience with climate impacts and are leading the way on innovative and just solutions. It is our responsibility to amplify their voices. Since real change starts from the ground up, we are building a force of citizen catalysts who will drive progress in their communities to inspire their friends, neighbours, and colleagues in the supportive majority to turn their beliefs into actions that can be implemented now and in the years to come.
Recent history is inspiring. We have seen Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour (BIPOC) movements and youth activists spark public outrage, with millions taking to the streets to demand ambitious climate policies, a just transition for all and climate justice.
With a rapidly growing number of Climate Reality Leaders, Community Climate Hubs and Campuses, and a strong communications effort, we can become a powerful grassroots and advocacy network that plays an important role in catalyzing change and ensuring climate justice.2022 Annual Report
Look back at all we accomplished in 2022!
The Climate Reality Project Canada’s (CRPC) office is located on land which has long served as a site of meeting and exchange amongst Indigenous peoples, including the Haudenosaunee and Anishinabeg Nations. CRPC honours, recognizes and respects these Nations as the traditional stewards of the lands and waters on which we are today.