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December 19, 2024November 11, 2024 · Climate Reality Canada TeamSeptember 19, 2024 · Advocacy Stories,NewsMore Posts- Policy Bulletin
Climate public policy highlights from across the country published every month or so.
August 4, 2023ADAPTATION · CANADA Federal government launches National Adaptation Strategy The federal...July 7, 2023TRANSPORTATION · FRANCE Free public transit for all in Montpellier Montpellier, France (pop....December 5, 2022Key takeaways on cover decision “Sharm el-Sheikh Implementation Plan” What is the cover... our pan-Canadian POLICY briefs
Archive from our series on climate policy developments. For the latest news see "Policy Bulletins" above.
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Find out more about the green coalitions we partake in for aiming towards carbon-neutrality in Canada by 2050.
Coalition Sortons la Caisse du carbone
(In French only)
Coalition Sortons la Caisse du carbone / Fondation David Suzuki
(In French only)
113 civil society groups signed this letter, urging the government of Canada to demonstrate true leadership by going beyond the commitments made to date and eliminate all subsidies, public financing and other forms of financial support for the fossil fuel sector.
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The Climate Reality Project Canada’s (CRPC) office is located on land which has long served as a site of meeting and exchange amongst Indigenous peoples, including the Haudenosaunee and Anishinabeg Nations. CRPC honours, recognizes and respects these Nations as the traditional stewards of the lands and waters on which we are today.