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    JOIN US to celebrate

    and discuss the 6th edition

    OCTOBER 3, 2024 - noon ET / 9am pt

    Join us on October 3rd for a webinar marking the launch of the National Climate League (NCL) report, a volunteer-driven survey of climate plans, targets, policies, and programs for 53 municipalities across Canada.


    This past year, 51 volunteers dove deep into local plans, reports, dashboards, and meeting minutes to gather data assessing their municipality on 23 climate policy indicators and 5 outcome indicators. The survey included municipalities from all 10 provinces, ranging from small towns to large cities.


    Our report pulls together the National Climate League's findings, including an analysis of country-wide trends, as well as examples of how cities and towns across the country are approaching the challenge of building low-carbon, equitable, and affordable communities.


    The National Climate League encourages municipal governments to be both transparent and accountable in their approach to climate by setting ambitious targets, measuring outcomes, and clearly communicating with and engaging with the public all the way from plans to results. The project also aims to build climate policy literacy and opportunities for democratic participation among residents.

  • What we'll be talking about

    Time to talk about transparency and accountability for healthier, more just and climate-ready cities!

    • How the National Climate League uses participatory data collection to assess and drive local climate action
    • The results of the policy and outcome indicators from our survey of 53 municipalities
    • Perspectives from municipal officials and researchers with an expert panel discussion featuring Andrea Reimer, Margo Sheppard, and Mairin Loewen

    “The NCL survey can help city officials better understand what works and how to avoid the pitfalls of losing direction. I hope that sharing this within our communities can help us hold our elected officials accountable to their commitments over time.” - NCL Data Collection Volunteer

  • Our Guests

    We're excited to discuss how community-led advocacy can bring about the climate action we need at the municipal level.

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    Andrea Reimer

    Former Councillor, City of Vancouver, and Adjunct Professor of Practice at UBC's School of Public Policy and Global Affairs


    Andrea Reimer is a long-time community organizer working to advance economic, social and environmental justice. In 2002 she was elected to the Vancouver School Board, and then to three terms on the Vancouver City Council where she led the Greenest City initiative and was instrumental in making Vancouver the first major city in the Americas to commit to 100% renewable energy.

    From 2008 to 2018 Andrea was appointed to the Metro Vancouver Regional District, helped found the BC Municipal Climate Leadership Council, and was vice chair of the national Green Municipal Fund.


    Andrea received a Loeb Fellowship at Harvard’s Graduate School of Design. She founded Tawâw Strategies, teaches about power at University of British Columbia, and is the lead designer for Simon Fraser University’s new Climate Action Certificate program.


    Andrea is a director of TransLink, elected to the World Future Council, sits on the BC climate solutions council, and has sat on the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Steering Committee. She has received the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee award and the World Green Building Council Chairman’s award.

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    Margo Sheppard

    Councillor, Ward 1, City of Fredericton (New Brunswick)


    Margo Sheppard is a graduate of the Environmental Studies Program at the University of Waterloo. She began her environmental planning and conservation

    career serving in the ON Provincial Government ministries of Transportation and Environment with the title of Senior Environmental Planner responsible for land use and municipal servicing policies, pollution prevention and Cabinet submissions.


    For 20 years, Margo worked at the Nature Trust of New Brunswick, a provincial non-profit land conservation organization, serving as Executive Director for 14 of those years. In 2021 she was elected to City Council in Fredericton. Margo chairs the Preservation Review Board for the City of Fredericton and is vice-chair of the Environmental Stewardship Committee. She is an activist on energy, climate and forestry issues and a Governor with the National Trust for Canada.


    Her latest endeavour has been working with the talented staff of Climate Reality Project Canada to start a functioning --and effective--Climate Hub in Fredericton, NB.

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    Mairin Loewen

    Councillor, Ward 7, City of Sasktatoon (Saskatchewan)


    Mairin Loewen was first elected to Council in 2011, and was re-elected in 2012, 2016, and 2020. She grew up in Ward 7 and attended school there before moving to Ottawa to attend University. Mairin has a B.A. in Political Science (Carleton University) and a M.A. in Political Studies (University of Saskatchewan).


    Mairin is a co-founder and active volunteer with Girls Rock Saskatoon, and has also volunteered with CFCR Community Radio, the Open Door Society, and the Heart of the City Piano Program. In her spare time she likes playing music and sports. Mairin lives in Ward 7 with her partner and son.

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    Emma Mungall

    NCL volunteer and Master's Student, City of Montreal (Quebec)


    Emma Mungall lives in Montréal with her family. She is currently enrolled in a Master's in Environment and Sustainability at Université de Montréal. Most recently, she has worked as a scientific copy editor. She also holds a PhD in Environmental Chemistry from the University of Toronto, where her research centered on atmospheric chemistry in the summer Arctic.