- PRESENTATIONS FOR BUSINESSESThe Climate Reality Project Canada and its Climate Reality Leaders offer free presentations for businesses of all sizes and from all sectors. The presentations are customized for business audiences and enable businesses to implement initiatives to reduce greenhouse gases. Presentations can be offered to green teams, management teams, or for all employees.
Businesses have a role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, whether it is to meet regulatory requirements, to meet customers’ evolving needs, to encourage innovation or to decrease operational costs. This proactive commitment provides the opportunity for a business to have a competitive edge and to enhance its corporate image.
Why host a presentation at your business?
To raise awareness and inform your team;
To learn about the implementation process, tools and local resources available;
To identify local resources;
To understand successful case studies;
To highlight different events: Earth Day (April 22nd), World Environment Day (June 5th), Canadian Waste Reduction Week (October), etc.;
To serve as a teambuilding activity, by bringing together your colleagues around an initiative or a common challenge!
How long is a presentation?
Presentations are delivered over a one hour period, including a question and answer period of 10 to 15 minutes. This is ideal for lunch and learn sessions, either catered or brown bag. If you would like a different format, please let us know; we will be glad to discuss your specific needs.
Presentations can be adapted depending on your needs, your employees’ knowledge on climate change, or your business sector. Feel free to share your comments and concerns with your Climate Leader. Our volunteers come from an array of professional backgrounds and can generally adapt the content of the presentation to meet your needs.How much does a presentation cost?
Presentations are free but voluntary contributions to Climate Reality Canada are gratefully accepted. Your contributions allow Climate Reality Canada to continue educating Canadians on climate change and provide support to volunteer speakers.
The Climate Reality Project Canada’s (CRPC) office is located on land which has long served as a site of meeting and exchange amongst Indigenous peoples, including the Haudenosaunee and Anishinabeg Nations. CRPC honours, recognizes and respects these Nations as the traditional stewards of the lands and waters on which we are today.