Full Name and Title
Sofia Vedechkina, Communications and Social Media Coordinator
Short biography
Sofia joined The Climate Reality Project Canada team in 2019 as an intern through Communautique’s “Youth Digital Skills” program. She is a graduate from McGill University, where she obtained her Bachelor’s degree in International Development Studies, English Drama and Theatre, and Russian. Recognizing the need for change to take place at all levels of society, sustainability on both the small and large scales is something she is very passionate about. Through her role at The Climate Reality Project Canada, she has also combined her love of writing with her love of education, and hopes to sensitize people to the realities of climate change so that they can take action in their own way.
Why did you join the climate movement/what pushed you to become interested in climate change issues?
I don't believe there was a specific moment or event that caused me to become interested in climate change issues. Over the years, because of the people I surrounded myself with, I started gaining an understanding of the state our environment was in. This prompted me to start taking action in my own way, mostly by changing my habits. I became more aware of and interested in how I was spending my money and my time. Basically, what I was consuming and the way in which I was consuming it. Since starting at Climate Reality Canada and joining the climate movement, I have also considerably deepened my understanding of environmental issues and politics, and thus come to more clearly see how interrelated all of the issues our world currently faces are.
What is one achievement you are proud of?
I'm very happy to have applied to the Climate Reality Leadership Corps: Global Training, and look forward to the possibility of becoming a Climate Reality Leader!
What are some climate change initiatives you are currently taking part in?
The Principles of a Just Recovery! An informal alliance comprised of over 150 civil society groups, including Climate Reality Canada, is demanding that governments abide by six principles based on concern for a more equitable and sustainable future as they prepare to recover from the COVID-19 crisis. You can find out more about this awesome initiative here: https://justrecoveryforall.ca/.
What do you think is the most effective way for people to take climate action?
I think it's important to remember that there are as many kinds of climate activists as there are personalities. There is no one size fits all in terms of what it means to take climate action. Of course, becoming educated on the issue is certainly a vital part of the process. Other than that, people should be free to take climate action in the way that feels most natural to them, hopefully putting their capabilities and talents to good use as well.
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I have a very cute giant African land snail named Esmeralda, and am also fluent in Russian!