These indicators track how well municipalities are providing options and infrastructure that makes sustainable transportation possible.
How easy is it to travel by public transit, walking, biking, and electric or shared vehicles?

Why this Indicator is Important
The transportation sector accounts for 27% of GHG emissions in Canada.1 Half of this is attributed to cars, vans, and light-duty trucks. Switching to electric vehicles (EVs) or hybrids can reduce these emissions. Sales of EVs in Canada have increased by 35% in 2022 compared to the previous year due to improvements in battery range and cost.2 Canada has set a goal for 100% of new vehicle sales to be electric by 2035. The expansion of charging infrastructure (both public and at private residences) must go hand in hand with increased EV ownership—sales of EVs will increase if more public ports are added and more ports will be installed if EVs sales increase. NRCAN estimates we will need an EV to charger port ratio of 36 to 1 by 2035.3 Currently, multiple public charging networks exist and are run by various different entities, including municipalities. There are two main types of chargers Level 2 and Level 3. Fast chargers (Level 3), positioned along highway corridors and urban retail centres close to multi-user residential buildings, are one solution to improve the public network of chargers.4
Data Availability and Accessibility: 3/3

Data on public charging stations is available from ChargeHub.com5 and Each site has a map which shows the location and level of charger available. These maps can be used by EV owners to locate chargers and plan their travel accordingly. A Level 2 charger takes 4 to 10 hours for a standard battery, while Level 3 chargers can reach an 80% charge in 30 to 45 minutes.7

Note(s): Data are from 2021 and 2022. Multiple sources are consulted including ChargeHub and PlugShare.
Winning Municipality
Osoyoos, a small town in British Columbia is the winner this year. BC also has the most charging stations for medium cities (Victoria) and for very large cities (Vancouver). In late 2021, Osoyoos added 11 new Level 3 chargers in association with Natural Resources Canada and Tesla Motors Canada.8 There are eight Tesla superchargers and three FLO (a Quebec- based company) direct current fast chargers in the community, with Tesla also supplying funding for the maintenance of its stations. Provincially, British Columbia has created the CleanBC Go Electric Public Charger Program to fill in geographic gaps in charging infrastructure, and prioritize locations in rural, northern, or Indigenous communities.9
International Highlight
As of 2022, England is the first country making it obligatory for new homes and buildings to have electric vehicle charging points. Starting next year, the law will also include new supermarkets, workplaces and major building renovations. This policy was created due to the lack of EV charging stations in the country. The global demand for electric vehicles has increased 140% in the first quarter of 2021. Unfortunately, the number of EV charging stations has not increased enough to respond to the growing demand for electric vehicles, especially in Europe. England’s new law intends to increase EV charging stations and consequently, continue encouraging the shift away from fossil fuels.10
3. Natural Resources Canada, “Updated Projects of Canada’s Public Charging Infrastructure Needs.” March 31, 2022. Accessed December 2022.
7. PlugShare, Accessed September- November 2022.