Maple Ridge Climate Hub
Maple Ridge Climate Hub will be joining the Earth Day celebrations at Memorial Peace Park on Saturday, April 20 from 10am to 2pm planned by the city and other partners (learn more about the day here). They will be announcing their annual local Climate Champions at the Earth Day event. See videos of last year’s winners on their Youtube Channel.
Okanagan Climate Hub
Mark your calendars and register now to be part of an engaging and informative week!
We have an exciting lineup at this year's Earth Week online Dynamic Lunch Speaker Series next week April 15-19 at 12-1pm.
Get ready to be inspired and informed by local speakers who have a wealth of knowledge, experience and motivation; and hear how you can be a climate champion in the community!
- syilx Knowledge Sharing
- Reducing Textile Waste and Building Community
- Transit as a Transformative Solution
- Rewilding
- Climate-Resilient Planning for Stronger Communities
Free Tickets available on Eventbrite. Please note there are only 25 tickets per day via Eventbrite in order to keep their service free - grassroots at its finest, eh! Register for any event, and the zoom link works for all five events Monday through Friday.

Biosphere Institute of the Bow Valley
- Join us on Earth Day for a community clean-up in Canmore as the snow melts and exposes litter around town.
- 2:00PM - Clean-up. Meet at the Biosphere Institute Office! Gloves, pickers and bags will be provided.
- 4:00PM - Join us after the clean-up at Rhythm and Howl for a beverage or snack. Light snacks will be provided for anyone who participated in the clean-up! :)
- Check out their lineup for other activities throughout the week

Sault Climate Hub
- Free film screening of 2040, presented by the Sault Climate Hub, Clean North, and the Sault Ste. Marie Public Library
- This screening will take place at 2 pm on Saturday, April 20, at the main public library branch on East St. in Sault Ste. Marie. Please register here.
Sustainable Milton
Earth Week Clean Ups
- Cleanups popping up all over town during Earth Week. Gather some family and friends and join in! Check out their interactive map that they created to find areas in town that need your help. You can find free gloves and bags at the Sports Centre or Lions Park.
Earth Day Cleanup (register and find out more here)
- In partnership with the Town of Milton, Sustainable Milton is holding an Earth Day Cleanup. Event runs from 9:00 - noon, all equipment provided. Join us at the Sports Centre or pick up bags and gloves and head out to a location that needs attention closer to home. ALL PARTICIPANTS must complete the annual waiver & permission form, available at our website. Student volunteer hours provided. Sponsored by SparklingGreen
Scarborough Environmental Association
Scarborough Green Fair and Free Repairs (more info here, no registration required)
- Come celebrate earth day in style and join SEA for our first Scarborough Green Fair! We will be offering free repairs (bikes, small appliances, clothing, computers, etc), clothing swaps, a nature hike, and more! Don’t forget to bring your own reusable mug for free refreshments. We’re so excited to be putting this event together with representatives from Toronto Nature Stewards, Friends of Park Groups, Butterflyways, TTC Riders, LEAF, and more.
- Please note for repairs, only one item can be fixed at a time but you may rejoin line once one item is fixed. Also clothing for swaps and repair must be clean.
- Reach out to us with any questions at and hope to see you there!
Climate Action London Hub
- Greener London: Celebrate all the good work, wins and potential in our community, as we look to make London one of the greenest cities in Canada.
- Greener You: There will be activities for wherever you are on your sustainability journey, with practical, hands-on workshops with real solutions.
- Fun for Everyone: Doing good by the planet SHOULD be fun! And, Earthfest, it will be!
Learn more here:
Manitoba Climate Action Team (MCAT)
- MCAT has compiled an amazing list of all things Earth Day/Month in and around Winnipeg and Manitoba which you can find here:
- On their site, you can also see photos from their successful Earth Month Kick Off Party on March 24 and participate in their postcard campaign to Premier Wab Kinew, urging him to add emissions reduction targets into legislation.
Explore upcoming events that extend beyond Earth Day themes
Greater Victoria Climate Hub
- May Day for Mother Earth: Celebrate Mother’s Day AND Mother Earth!
- Mayday! Come join us and show some love for all our mothers - including Mother Earth! This is a family-friendly event where you can learn more about climate change in our region - and what people are doing about it. Hear from climate specialists, Westshore municipal councillors, and local youth heroes who are taking action to make the world a better place!
- You can also learn about our local watersheds, EV's, biosolids, soil health, the value of a reusable coffee cup - and much more! Hands-on workshops will also be held for all ages (where you can even play in the dirt a little) and there will be a room for short documentaries and small group discussions.
- There will be exhibits (many interactive) from local nonprofits and community groups - and sustainable vendors will be offering quality Mother Earth-friendly Mother's Day gifts and treats. Food trucks, cookies, and more will also be onsite! You can also see some Eco-art and live performance. There will even be childminding (ages 3-7) available, from Colwood Kids ECC - (space is limited) - during the panel discussion in the Theater!
- Learn more and see the full schedule of events here:

Environment Lethbridge
Reuse Rendez-vous
- Reuse Rendezvous will run from 9 am Saturday morning to 4 pm on Saturday evening (May 11). Residents can place any items that are suitable to reuse on their property in front of their house on Saturday morning and mark them with a FREE sign or sticker. Over the day, people are invited to cruise the streets and help themselves to any of the goodies, free of charge. The event is over on Saturday evening at 4:00 pm. Anything remaining after 4:00 pm must be taken back in by the owner; the City will NOT be collecting these items.
- Register your location and view the map of participating households here: